Advantages and Disadvantages of Eating Honey

Honey has been used since ancient times and Ayurveda also mentions the benefits of eating honey. For your information, we are telling you that honey is a liquid food made by bees from flower nectar. It is prepared by bees at different stages after quite a long process.

In Ayurveda, honey has gained the status of a medicinal value and now people all over the world have started using honey for sweets. Many scientific studies on honey over the last few decades to confirm its properties mentioned in Ayurveda.

Use honey in any form, it is equally beneficial for your health. Before using it, make sure that the honey you are using is genuine or adulterated, because eating adulterated honey can cause a lot of damage to health.

People are always confused about the virtues of honey. For your information, we tell you that real honey is very dense and when placed in water it does not dissolve easily, but freezes at the bottom, whereas fake honey dissolves easily and quickly in water. However, this is not a specific measure to test the purity of honey.

Nutritional Value of Honey

Honey is a storehouse of essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins. Fructose is mainly found in honey. It also contains carbohydrates, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin C and amino acids.

One tablespoon (21 grams) of honey contains about 64 calories and 17 grams of sugar (fructose, glucose, sucrose and maltose). Honey does not contain fat, fiber or protein at all.

Medicinal Properties of honey

Speaking of the medicinal properties of honey, it is considered to be beneficial in the treatment of numerous diseases. This is why honey has been considered as a medicine since ancient times.

At present, people mainly use honey for skin improvement, digestion, immunity and weight loss. Honey also has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, which is why it is so effective in healing wounds or healing quickly.

This post describes in detail the benefits, advantages and disadvantages of eating honey and also with eating rules. Let’s find out

Rules for eating honey

Most people know about the benefits of honey. But there is confusion about the rules of eating honey. For your information, we tell you that you can consume honey in different ways.

You can eat one to two teaspoons of honey directly or mixed with milk every day. In addition, eating honey with warm water on an empty stomach is very useful to lose weight. Some people eat lemon mixed with warm water and honey.

Similarly, if you want to use honey for skin or hair, follow the procedure below or use as per doctor’s advice.

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Advantages and disadvantages of eating honey

In Ayurveda, it is considered as nectar in terms of its sweetness. Honey is equally beneficial for everyone from small children to adults. Regular consumption of honey enhances immunity which prevents many types of infectious diseases. Let us know the details about the benefits of eating honey.

The benefits of honey for cough: If your cough is not good for a few days, you can use honey. It is an effective home remedy to get rid of cough.

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The antibacterial properties present in honey prevent the infection from progressing further, as well as it thins the phlegm, which allows the phlegm to come out easily. Especially those who are suffering from dry cough, they will get quick relief by eating honey.

Rules of Eating: You can eat honey in two ways to get rid of cough.

Method 1: Mix one teaspoon of honey in lukewarm water and drink it before going to bed at night. In addition to thinning the mucus, it gives quick relief from coughing.

Another way: a drink made with ginger and honey is also effective in relieving cough.

The benefits of honey for burns and cuts: It is very beneficial to use honey even if the skin is cut, peeled or burnt. The antiseptic properties present in honey heals burn quickly and protect the skin from infection.

How to use: If your skin is slightly scratched or any part is slightly burnt, then apply honey on that area. It reduces irritation and prevents infection in that area.

Use honey to lose weight: If you have problems with weight gain or obesity, you can lose weight by eating honey. For your information, honey does not contain any fat at all. In addition to weight control, it also lowers cholesterol levels in the body. So eat honey regularly.

Method of consumption: Mix one teaspoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water and eat it on an empty stomach every morning. Do not eat anything for half an hour after drinking it. You can also add half a lemon juice to this mixture.

The benefits of honey for immunity: The amount of antioxidants required in honey is much higher. The antioxidants present in it are very beneficial for the heart and protect against many types of heart related diseases.

The main function of honey is to increase the body’s resistance to disease. Strong immunity prevents many types of infectious diseases.

Method of consumption: Drink one to two teaspoons of honey mixed with lukewarm milk daily to increase immunity of the body. It is more beneficial to drink honey mixed with milk.

Honey for wound healing: The flavonoids, phenolic acid and lysozyme present in honey have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that prevent inflammation and repair damaged tissues and cells. Due to these properties, it helps in quick healing of wounds.

Method of application: Apply honey directly on the wound site and in case of burns, apply rose water mixed with honey directly on the affected area.

Use of honey for throat infections: The list of benefits of honey also includes sore throat. Not only does it relieve coughs and colds, but if you have a sore throat, you can also get relief by consuming honey.

Method of consumption: To get quick relief from sore throat, mix one teaspoon of ginger juice with one to two teaspoons of honey and take it twice a day.

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Use of honey for constipation: If you suffer from constipation, then you know that you are inviting many more diseases. Constipation is the root cause of many stomach problems.

Honey reduces the absorption of fructose in the body, which is why you can use it to relieve constipation. In addition to relieving constipation, it also relieves flatulence and gas.

Method of consumption: To get rid of constipation, mix a teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm milk before going to bed every night.

Benefits of honey for skin: The benefits of honey are not limited to boosting digestion and immunity, it also helps improve skin. Honey has properties that help the skin retain moisture.

Those who have very dry skin should use honey to keep their skin moist. Remember to apply it on the skin instead of eating it to lighten the skin. You can use honey for skin in many ways. Here are some common uses:

How to use:

For dry skin: Apply a teaspoon of honey on dry skin. Let it dry for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with cold water. Use it at least three times a week.

For skin radiance: Use a face pack made from honey to enhance facial radiance. Usually face packs made with honey and lemon, honey and milk, honey and banana and honey and yogurt are more beneficial.

Use honey for hair: Dry hair causes rapid hair loss. The use of honey enhances the beauty of hair and reduces their dryness. The antioxidant properties present in honey are beneficial for hair.

It removes free radicals and prevents hair loss due to prolonged exposure to sunlight or any harmful chemicals. Honey also provides proper nutrition to the hair.

How to use: Honey for hair can be used in many ways.

  • Make a hair mask by mixing honey with yogurt and applying it on the hair. It nourishes damaged hair.
  • Hair mask made with honey and eggs repairs damaged hair.
  • A mixture of honey and aloe vera helps in hair growth.

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Honey Benefits for Acne: The xylose and sucrose present in honey reduce the activity of water and inhibit the growth of bacteria. For this reason honey is very useful to get rid of acne.

How to use: Before going to bed at night, apply a small amount of honey directly on the acne and let it dry overnight. The next morning, rinse with cold water.

Disadvantages of honey

You all know the benefits of honey now but did you know that there are some disadvantages to eating honey? Yes, if you eat too much honey or mix it with the wrong things, you may end up losing honey.

Let us know what are the disadvantages of honey and under what circumstances or with what things honey should not be eaten.

Avoid overeating: If you eat honey as a normal food, one to two teaspoons is enough for the whole day and if you use it as medicine or for skin, then take and use according to the dose prescribed by the doctor.

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Eating too much honey can have side effects and can lead to nausea and vomiting and in some cases diarrhea.

Do not feed honey to a child under one year of age: In modern medical practice, it is believed that children under one year of age should not be fed honey. This can put children at risk for botulism.

Therefore, if you want to feed honey to a child under one year of age, consult a doctor first. Similarly, the use of honey on the skin of young children should be avoided.

People with allergies to pollen grains should avoid it: If you are allergic to pollen grains, you should avoid eating or using honey. Studies have shown that people who are allergic to pollen grains are more likely to develop allergies to honey.

People with sensitive skin should avoid it: If your skin is very sensitive, do not apply honey directly, but apply rose water or milk mixed with honey on the skin. The mixture of milk and honey is considered to be very beneficial for the skin.

Uncontrolled blood sugar levels: The question remains in the minds of many diabetics: can consume honey? Or is honey more beneficial for diabetics than sugar?

For your information, we tell you that those who have diabetes control can eat honey as food. Eating honey boosts the body’s immune system, which helps prevent diabetes.

But keep in mind that if your sugar levels remain uncontrolled, avoid eating honey. Diabetics must consult a doctor before consuming honey.

Patients with high blood pressure: If you are already taking antihypertensive medication, keep checking your blood pressure every day while taking honey.

Do not take equal amounts of ghee and honey: Ayurveda recommends not eating equal amounts of ghee and honey together. In Ayurveda, it has been placed in the category of anti-diet. So do not eat an equal amount of honey with ghee.

During pregnancy and lactation: Although the benefits of honey are good for people of all ages, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, you should eat it in limited quantities. If you want to take honey in the form of medicine, follow the advice of a gynecologist.

Do not drink in hot water: When drinking honey mixed with lukewarm water, always keep in mind that the water should not boil at all and never boil honey mixed with water as these also go against the diet. So always use honey with lukewarm water or normal temperature water.

Now you know everything about the advantages and disadvantages of honey and the rules of eating honey. Nowadays many brands of honey like Dabur Madhu, Baidhinath Madhu etc. are easily available in the market. You can take any of these at your convenience.

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